Async Rust, Part One: Futures

2024 October 23ʳᵈ

In the introduction we looked at an example of async Rust without explaining anything about how it worked. That left us with several mysteries: What are async functions and the "futures" they return? What does join_all do? And how is tokio::time::sleep different from std::thread::sleep?You might also be wondering what #[tokio::main] does. The short answer is it's a "procedural macro" that sets up the Tokio "runtime" and then calls our async fn main in that "environment". We're not going to get into proc macros in this series, but we'll start to get an idea of what an "environment" means here when we create a global list of Wakers towards the end of this post, and we'll keep building on that with "tasks" in Part Two and "file descriptors" in Part Three.

To answer those questions, we're going to translate each of those pieces into normal, non-async Rust code. We'll find that we can replicate foo and join_all without too much trouble, but writing our own sleep will be more complicated. Let's go.


As a reminder, here's foo as an async fn:

async fn foo(n: u64) {
println!("start {n}");
println!("end {n}");

And here's foo as a regular, non-async function. I'll put everything on the page, and then we'll break it down piece-by-piece. This is an exact, drop-in replacement, and main hasn't changed at all. You can click the Playground button and run it:

fn foo(n: u64) -> Foo {
let started = false;
let duration = Duration::from_secs(1);
let sleep = Box::pin(tokio::time::sleep(duration));
Foo { n, started, sleep }

struct Foo {
n: u64,
started: bool,
sleep: Pin<Box<tokio::time::Sleep>>,

impl Future for Foo {
type Output = ();

fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, context: &mut Context) -> Poll<()> {
if !self.started {
println!("start {}", self.n);
self.started = true;
if self.sleep.as_mut().poll(context).is_pending() {
return Poll::Pending;
println!("end {}", self.n);

Starting from the top, fn foo is a regular function that returns a Foo struct.It's conventional to use the same name lowercase for an async function and uppercase for the future it returns. So foo returns a Foo future, and sleep returns a Sleep future. This is similar to how zip returns a Zip iterator, and map returns a Map iterator. Futures and iterators have a lot in common. It calls tokio::time::sleep, but it doesn't .await the Sleep future that sleep returns.It would be a compiler error to use .await in a non-async function. Instead, it stores that future in the Foo struct. We'll talk about Box::pin and Pin<Box<_>> in a moment.

Implementing the Future trait is what makes Foo a future. Here's the entire Future trait from the standard library:

pub trait Future {
type Output;

fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context) -> Poll<Self::Output>;

The trait itself is only a couple lines of code, but it comes with three new types: Pin, Context, and Poll. We're going to focus on Poll, so we'll say a bit about Context and Pin and then set them aside until later.

Each call to Future::poll receives a Context from the caller. When one poll function calls another, like when Foo::poll calls Sleep::poll, it passes that Context along. That's all we need to know until we get to the Wake section below.

Pin is a wrapper type that wraps pointers. For now, if you'll forgive me, I'm going to pretend that Pin does nothing at all.As far as lies go, this one is pretty close to the truth. Pin's job is to prevent certain things in safe code, namely, moving certain futures after they've been polled. It's like how a shared reference prevents mutation. The reference doesn't do much, but it represents permission. I'll pretend that Box::pin is just Box::new,I'll be using Box::pin a bit more than usual in this series, as a shortcut to avoid talking about "pin projection". But note that most futures in Rust are not heap allocated, at least not individually. This is different from coroutines in C++20, which are heap allocated by default. that Pin<Box<T>> is just Box<T>, that Pin<&mut T> is just &mut T, and that Pin<Box<T>>::as_mut is just Box::as_mut.We don't often call Box::as_mut explicitly in non-async Rust, because &mut Box<T> automatically converts to &mut T as needed. This is called "deref coercion". Similarly, Rust automatically "reborrows" &mut T whenever we pass a long-lived mutable reference to a function that only needs a short-lived one, so that the long-lived reference isn't consumed unnecessarily. (&mut references are not Copy.) However, neither of those convenience features work through Pin today, and we often need to call as_mut explicitly when we're implementing Future "by hand". If &pin or maybe &pinned references became a first-class language feature someday, that would make these examples shorter and less finicky. Pin actually solves a crucial problem for async Rust, but that problem will make more sense after we get some practice writing futures. We'll come back to it in the Pin section below.

Ok, let's focus on Poll. It's an enum, and it looks like this:We said that futures have a lot in common with iterators, and this is another example. Future::poll returns Poll, Iterator::next returns Option, and Poll and Option are very similar. Ready and Some are the variants that carry values, and Pending and None are the variants that don't. But note that their "order of appearance" is mirrored. An iterator returns Some any number of times until it eventually returns None, while a future returns Pending and number of times until it eventually returns Ready.

pub enum Poll<T> {

The first job of the poll function is to return either Poll::Ready or Poll::Pending. Returning Ready means that the future has finished its work, and it includes the Output value, if any.async fn foo has no return value, so the Foo future has no Output. Rust represents no value with (), the empty tuple, also known as the "unit" type. In that case, poll won't be called again.Yet another similarity between Future and Iterator is that calling Future::poll again after it's returned Ready is a lot like calling Iterator::next again after it's returned None. Both of these are considered "logic errors", i.e. bugs in the caller. These functions are safe, so they're not allowed to corrupt memory or lead to other undefined behavior, but they are allowed to panic, deadlock, or return "random" results. Returning Pending means that the future isn't finished yet, and poll will be called again.

When will poll be called again, you might ask? The short answer is that we need to be prepared for anything. Our poll function might get called over and over again in a "busy loop" as long as it keeps returning Pending, and we need it to behave correctly if that happens.If we add an extra println, we can see that poll isn't actually getting called in a busy loop here. But there'll be a few times in this series where it does, including the Wake section below. We'll get to the long answer in the Wake section below.

Now let's look Foo's implementation of the Future trait and the poll function. Here it is again:

impl Future for Foo {
type Output = ();

fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, context: &mut Context) -> Poll<()> {
if !self.started {
println!("start {}", self.n);
self.started = true;
if self.sleep.as_mut().poll(context).is_pending() {
return Poll::Pending;
println!("end {}", self.n);

We saw that poll's first job was to return Ready or Pending, and now we can see that poll has a second job, the actual work of the future.In fact poll has three jobs. We'll get to the third in the Sleep section. Foo wants to print some messages and sleep, and poll is where the printing and sleeping happen.

There's an important compromise here: poll should do all the work that it can get done quickly, but it shouldn't make the caller wait for an answer. It should either return Ready immediately or return Pending immediately."Immediately" means that we shouldn't do any blocking sleeps or blocking IO a poll function or in an async fn. But when we're doing CPU-heavy work, like compression or cryptography, it's less clear what it means. The usual rule of thumb is that, if a function does more than "a few milliseconds" of CPU work, it should either offload that work using something like tokio::task::spawn_blocking, or insert .await points using something like tokio::task::yield_now. This compromise is the key to "driving" more than one future at the same time. It's what lets them make progress without blocking each other.

To follow this rule, Foo::poll has to trust that Sleep::poll will return quickly. If we add some timing and printing, we can see that it does. The "important mistake" we made in the introduction with thread::sleep broke this rule, and our futures ran back-to-back instead of at the same time.In other words, "serially" instead of "concurrently". If we make the same mistake in Foo::poll, we get the same result. Doing a blocking sleep in poll makes the caller wait for an answer, and it can't poll any other futures while it's waiting.

Foo uses the started flag to make sure it only prints the start message once, no matter how many times poll is called. It doesn't need an ended flag, though, because poll won't be called again after it returns Ready. The started flag makes Foo a "state machine" with two states. In general an async function needs one starting state and another state for each of its .await points, so that its poll function can know where to "resume execution". If we had more than two states, we could use an enum instead of a bool. When we write an async fn, the compiler takes care of all of this for us, and that convenience is the main reason that async/await exists as a language feature.Async/await also makes it possible to do certain things in safe code that would be unsafe in poll. We'll see that in the Pin section.


Now that we know how to implement a basic future, let's look at join_all.We'll put async fn foo back in to keep the examples short, but either version of foo would work going forward. It might seem like join_all is doing something much more magical than foo, but it turns out we already have everything we need to make it work. Here's join_all as a regular, non-async function:In fact it's implemented as a regular function upstream in the futures crate.

fn join_all<F: Future>(futures: Vec<F>) -> JoinAll<F> {
JoinAll {
futures: futures.into_iter().map(Box::pin).collect(),

struct JoinAll<F> {
futures: Vec<Pin<Box<F>>>,

impl<F: Future> Future for JoinAll<F> {
type Output = ();

fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, context: &mut Context) -> Poll<()> {
let is_pending = |future: &mut Pin<Box<F>>| {
if self.futures.is_empty() {
} else {

Again our non-async join_all function returns a struct that implements Future, and the real work happens in Future::poll. There's Box::pin again, but we'll keep ignoring it.

In the poll function, Vec::retain_mut does all the heavy lifting. It's a standard Vec helper method that takes a closure argument, calls that closure on each element, and drops the elements that return false.If we did this by calling remove in a loop, it would take O(n2) time, because remove is O(n). But retain_mut uses a clever algorithm that "walks" two pointers through the Vec and moves each element at most once. This removes each child future once it returns Ready, following the rule that we shouldn't poll them again after that.

There's nothing else new here. From the outside, running all these futures at the same time seemed like magic, but on the inside, all we're doing is calling poll on the elements of a Vec. This is the flip side of the compromise we talked about above. If we can trust that each call to poll returns quickly, then one loop can drive lots of futures.

Note that I'm taking a shortcut here by ignoring the outputs of child futures. I'm getting away with that because we're only using join_all with foo, which has no output. The real join_all returns Vec<F::Output>, which requires some more bookkeeping. This is left as an exercise for the reader, as they say.As we did foo, we're going to put the original join_all back in going forward. This time though, the two versions aren't exactly the same, even apart from the shortcut we just mentioned. We'll make another "important mistake" in the Main section below, which only works with the version of join_all from the futures crate.


We're on a roll here! It feels like we already have everything we need to implement our own sleep:We do not.

fn sleep(duration: Duration) -> Sleep {
let wake_time = Instant::now() + duration;
Sleep { wake_time }

struct Sleep {
wake_time: Instant,

impl Future for Sleep {
type Output = ();

fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, _: &mut Context) -> Poll<()> {
if Instant::now() >= self.wake_time {
} else {

(Playground running…)

Hmm. This compiles cleanly, and the logic in poll looks right, but running it prints the "start" messages and then hangs forever. If we add more prints, we can see that each Sleep gets polled once at the start and then never again. What are we missing?

It turns out that poll has three jobs, and so far we've only seen two. First, poll does as much work as it can without blocking. Then, poll returns Ready if it's finished or Pending if it's not. But finally, whenever poll is about to return Pending, it needs to "schedule a wakeup". Ah, that's what we're missing.

The reason we didn't run into this before is that Foo and JoinAll only return Pending when another future has returned Pending to them, which means a wakeup is already scheduled. But Sleep is what we call a "leaf" future. There are no other futures below it,Trees in computing are upside down for some reason. and it needs to wake itself.


It's time to look more closely at Context. If we call context.waker(), it returns a Waker.Handing out a Waker is currently all that Context does. An early version of the Future trait had poll take a Waker directly instead of wrapping it in a Context, but the designers wanted to leave open the possibility of expanding the poll API in a backwards-compatible way. Note that Waker is Clone and Send, but Context is not. Calling either waker.wake() or waker.wake_by_ref() is how we ask to get polled again. Those two methods do the same thing, and we'll use whichever one is more convenient.As we'll see in Part Two, the implementation of Waker is ultimately something that we can control. In some implementations, Waker is an Arc internally, and invoking a Waker might move that Arc into a global queue. In that case, wake_by_ref would need to clone the Arc, and wake would save an atomic operation on the refcount. This is a micro-optimization, and we won't worry about it.

The simplest thing we can try is asking to get polled again immediately every time we return Pending:

fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, context: &mut Context) -> Poll<()> {
if Instant::now() >= self.wake_time {
} else {

This prints the right output and quits at the right time, so the "sleep forever" problem is solved, but we've replaced it with a "busy loop" problem. This program calls poll over and over as fast as it can, burning 100% CPU until it exits. We can see this indirectly by counting the number of times poll gets called,When I run this on the Playground, I see about 20 million calls in total. or we can measure it directly using tools like perf on Linux.

What we really want is to invoke the Waker later, when it's actually time to wake up, but we can't use thread::sleep in poll. One thing we could do is spawn another thread to thread::sleep for us and then call wake.Note that Waker is Send, so this is allowed. If we did that in every call to poll, we'd run into the same too-many-threads crash from the introduction. But we could work around that by spawning a shared thread and and using a channel to send Wakers to it. That's actually a viable implementation, but there's something unsatisfying about it. The main thread of our program is already spending most of its time sleeping. Why do we need two sleeping threads? Why isn't there a way to tell our main thread to wake up at a specific time?

Well to be fair, there is a way, that's what tokio::time::sleep is. But if we really want to write our own sleep, and we don't want to spawn an extra thread to make it work, then it turns out we also need to write our own main.


To call poll from main, we'll need a Context to pass in. We can make one with Context::from_waker, which means we need a Waker. There are a few different ways to make one,We'll get to these in the Waker section of Part Two. but for now we just need a placeholder, so we'll use a helper function called noop_waker.noop_waker comes from the futures crate, but as of Rust 1.85, Waker::noop is also available in the standard library. "Noop" is short for "no operation", i.e. "do nothing". Once we've built a Context, we can call poll in a loop:

fn main() {
let mut futures = Vec::new();
for n in 1..=10 {
let mut joined_future = Box::pin(future::join_all(futures));
let waker = futures::task::noop_waker();
let mut context = Context::from_waker(&waker);
while joined_future.as_mut().poll(&mut context).is_pending() {
// Busy loop!

This works! Though we still have the "busy loop" problem from above. But before we fix that, we need to make another important mistake:

Since this version of our main loopThis sort of thing often called an "event loop", but right now all we have is sleeps, and those aren't really events. We'll build a proper event loop in Part Three. never stops polling, and since our Waker does nothing, you might wonder whether invoking the Waker in Sleep::poll actually matters. Surprisingly, it does matter. If we delete that line, things appear to work at first. But when we bump the number of jobs from ten to a hundred, our futures never wake up. What we're seeing is that, even though our Waker does nothing, there are other Wakers hidden in our program. When futures::future::JoinAll has many child futures,As of futures v0.3.30, the exact cutoff is 31. it creates its own Wakers internally, which lets it avoid polling children that haven't asked for a wakeup. That's more efficient than polling all of them every time, but it also means that children who never invoke their own Waker will never get polled again. This sort of thing is why a Pending future must always arrange to invoke its Waker.We don't usually worry about this, because most futures in ordinary application code aren't "leaf" futures. Most futures (like Foo and JoinAll and any async fn) only return Pending when other futures return Pending to them, so they can usually assume that those other futures have scheduled a wakeup. However, there are exceptions. The futures::pending! macro explicitly returns Pending without scheduling a wakeup.

Ok, back to main. Let's fix the busy loop problem. We want main to thread::sleep until the next wake time, which means we need a way for Sleep::poll to send Wakers and wake times to main. We'll use a global variable for this, and we'll wrap it in a Mutex, so that safe code can modify it:Real async runtimes like Tokio use thread_local! instead of globals for this. That's more efficient, and it also lets them run more than one event loop in the same program. Mutex is more familiar, though, and it's good enough for this series.

static WAKE_TIMES: Mutex<BTreeMap<Instant, Vec<Waker>>> =

This is a sorted map from wake times to Wakers.Note that the value type here is Vec<Waker> instead of just Waker, because there might be more than one Waker for a given Instant. This is unlikely on Linux and macOS, where the resolution of Instant::now() is measured in nanoseconds, but the resolution on Windows is 15.6 milliseconds. Sleep::poll can insert its Waker into this map using BTreeMap::entry:or_default creates an empty Vec if nothing was there before.

fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, context: &mut Context) -> Poll<()> {
if Instant::now() >= self.wake_time {
} else {
let mut wake_times = WAKE_TIMES.lock().unwrap();
let wakers_vec = wake_times.entry(self.wake_time).or_default();

After polling, our main loop can read the first key from this sorted map to get the earliest wake time. Then it can thread::sleep until that time, fixing the busy loop problem.We're holding the WAKE_TIMES lock while we sleep here, which is slightly sketchy, but it doesn't matter in this single-threaded example. A real multithreaded runtime would use thread::park_timeout or similar instead of sleeping, so that other threads could trigger an early wakeup. Then it invokes all the Wakers whose wake time has arrived, before looping and polling again:

fn main() {
let mut futures = Vec::new();
for n in 1..=10 {
let mut joined_future = Box::pin(future::join_all(futures));
let waker = futures::task::noop_waker();
let mut context = Context::from_waker(&waker);
while joined_future.as_mut().poll(&mut context).is_pending() {
// The joined future is Pending. Sleep until the next wake time.
let mut wake_times = WAKE_TIMES.lock().unwrap();
let next_wake = wake_times.keys().next().expect("sleep forever?");
// We just woke up. Invoke all the Wakers whose time has come.
while let Some(entry) = wake_times.first_entry() {
if *entry.key() <= Instant::now() {
} else {
// Loop and poll again.

This works! We solved the busy loop problem, and we didn't need to spawn any extra threads. This is what it takes to write our own sleep.

This is sort of the end of Part One. In Part Two we'll expand this main loop to implement "tasks". However, now that we understand how futures work, there are a few "bonus" topics that we finally have the tools to talk about, at least briefly. The following sections aren't required for Parts Two and Three.

Bonus: Pin

Now that we know how to transform an async fn into a Future struct, we can say a bit more about Pin and the problem that it solves. Imagine our async fn foo took a reference internally for some reason:

async fn foo(n: u64) {
let n_ref = &n;
println!("start {n_ref}");
println!("end {n_ref}");

That compiles and runs just fine, and it looks like perfectly ordinary Rust code. But what would the same change look like on our Foo future?

struct Foo {
n: u64,
n_ref: &u64,
started: bool,
sleep: Pin<Box<tokio::time::Sleep>>,

That doesn't compile:

error[E0106]: missing lifetime specifier
--> src/
3 | n_ref: &u64,
| ^ expected named lifetime parameter

What's the lifetime of n_ref supposed to be? The short answer is, there's no good answer.The longer answer is that we can hack a lifetime parameter onto Foo, but that makes it impossible to do anything useful after we've constructed it. Unfortunately the compiler's hints in situations like this tend to be misleading, and "fighting the borrow checker" here takes us in circles. Self-referential borrows are generally illegal in Rust structs, and there's no syntax for what n_ref is trying to do. If there were, we'd have to answer some tricky questions about when we're allowed to mutate n and when we're allowed to move Foo."Most importantly, these objects are not meant to be always immovable. Instead, they are meant to be freely moved for a certain period of their lifecycle, and at a certain point they should stop being moved from then on. That way, you can move a self-referential future around as you compose it with other futures until eventually you put it into the place it will live for as long as you poll it. So we needed a way to express that an object is no longer allowed to be moved; in other words, that it is ‘pinned in place.'" -

But then, what sort of Future did the compiler generate for async fn foo above? Why did that work? It turns out that Rust does some very unsafe things internally to erase inexpressible lifetimes like the one on n_ref.In fact, what the compiler is doing is so wildly unsafe that some of the machinery that will make it formally sound hasn't been implemented yet. The job of the Pin pointer-wrapper-type is then to encapsulate that unsafety, so that we can write custom futures like JoinAll in safe code. The Pin struct works with the Unpin auto trait,"Auto traits" are implemented automatically by the compiler for types that qualify. The most familiar auto traits are the thread safety markers, Send and Sync. However, note that those two are unsafe traits, because implementing them inappropriately can lead to data races and other UB. In contrast, Unpin is safe, and types that don't implement it automatically (usually because they have generic type parameters that aren't required to be Unpin) can still safely opt into it. That's sound for two reasons: First, a type shouldn't implement Unpin if it contains self-references and can't be moved, but we can't make self-references in safe code anyway. Second, even though Unpin lets us go from Pin<&mut T> to &mut T, we still can't construct a pinned pointer to one of T's fields ("pin projection") without either requiring that field to be Unpin (Pin::new) or writing unsafe code (Pin::new_unchecked). which is implemented for most concrete types but not for the compiler-generated futures returned by async functions. Operations that might let us move pinned objects are either gated by Unpin (like DerefMut) or marked unsafe (like get_unchecked_mut). It turns out that our extensive use of Box::pin in the examples above meant that all our futures were automatically Unpin, so DerefMut worked for our Pin<&mut Self> references, and we could mutate members like self.started and self.futures without thinking about it.

That's all we're going to say about Pin, because the nitty gritty details aren't necessary for tasks (Part Two) or IO (Part Three). But if you want the whole story, start with this post by the inventor of Pin and then read the official Pin docs.

Bonus: Cancellation

Async functions look and feel a lot like regular functions, but they have a certain extra superpower, and there's another superpower they're missing.

The extra superpower is cancellation. When we call an ordinary function in non-async code, there's no general way for us to put a timeout on that call.We could spawn a new thread and call any function we like on that thread, for example using a channel to wait for its return value with a timeout. But if that timeout passes, there's no general way for us to stop the thread. One reason this feature doesn't exist (actually it does exist on Windows, but you should never use it) is that, if the interrupted thread was holding any locks, those locks would never get unlocked. Lots of common libc functions like malloc use locks internally, so forcefully killing threads tends to corrupt the whole process. This is also why fork is difficult to use correctly. But we can cancel any future by just…not polling it again. Tokio provides tokio::time::timeout for this, and we already have the tools to implement our own version:

struct Timeout<F> {
sleep: Pin<Box<tokio::time::Sleep>>,
inner: Pin<Box<F>>,

impl<F: Future> Future for Timeout<F> {
type Output = Option<F::Output>;

fn poll(
mut self: Pin<&mut Self>,
context: &mut Context,
) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
// Check whether time is up.
if self.sleep.as_mut().poll(context).is_ready() {
return Poll::Ready(None);
// Check whether the inner future is finished.
if let Poll::Ready(output) = self.inner.as_mut().poll(context) {
return Poll::Ready(Some(output));
// Still waiting.

fn timeout<F: Future>(duration: Duration, inner: F) -> Timeout<F> {
Timeout {
sleep: Box::pin(tokio::time::sleep(duration)),
inner: Box::pin(inner),

This timeout wrapper works with any async function. Regular functions have no equivalent.

Bonus: Recursion

The missing superpower is recursion. If an async function tries to call itself:

async fn factorial(n: u64) -> u64 {
if n == 0 {
} else {
n * factorial(n - 1).await

That's a compiler error:

error[E0733]: recursion in an async fn requires boxing
1 | async fn factorial(n: u64) -> u64 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

5 | n * factorial(n - 1).await
| ---------------------- recursive call here
= note: a recursive `async fn` must introduce indirection such as `Box::pin` to avoid an infinitely sized future

When regular functions call each other, they allocate space dynamically on the "call stack". But when async functions .await each other, they get compiled into structs that contain other structs, and struct sizes are static.In other words, Rust futures are "stackless coroutines". In Go on the other hand, "goroutines" are "stackful". They can do recursion without any extra steps. If an an async function calls itself, it has to Box the recurring future before it .awaits it:

async fn factorial(n: u64) -> u64 {
if n == 0 {
} else {
let recurse = Box::pin(factorial(n - 1));
n * recurse.await

This works, but it requires heap allocation.

Ok, enough of all that, on to "tasks".