Async Rust, Part Two: Tasks
2024 October 23
- Introduction
- Part One: Futures
- Part Two: Tasks (you are here)
- Part Three: IO
In the introduction we said that async/await was about futures and tasks. Part One was all about futures, and now we can talk about tasks. Luckily, we've already seen one, though we didn't call it that. The last version of our main loop in Part One looked like this:
let mut joined_future = Box::pin(future::join_all(futures));
let waker = futures::task::noop_waker();
let mut context = Context::from_waker(&waker);
while joined_future.as_mut().poll(&mut context).is_pending() {
That joined_future
is the simplest possible example of a task. It's a
top-level future that's owned and polled by the main loop. Here we only have
one task, but there's nothing stopping us from having more than one. And if we
had a collection of tasks, we could even add to that collection at runtime.
That's what tokio::task::spawn
does. We can rewrite our original Tokio
example using spawn
instead of join_all
async fn main() {
let mut task_handles = Vec::new();
for n in 1..=10 {
for handle in task_handles {
is still an async
, but otherwise this is very similar to our
original thread::spawn
example. Like threads, but unlike ordinary
futures, tasks start running in the background as soon as we spawn
them, so
ing a task handle works like join
ing a thread handle. It's common in
network services to have a main loop that listens for new connections and
spawns a thread to handle each connection. Async tasks let us use this same
pattern without the performance overhead of threads.​It's possible to do this with future combinators too, but
common ones like join_all
and select!
assume a static
set of futures. If you want to add futures dynamically, you need a fancier
collection like FuturesUnordered
. Runtimes like Tokio can also execute
different tasks on different threads ("M:N threading"), but joined futures
run on the same thread. That's
exactly what we'll do in Part Three.
So, building on the main loop we wrote in Part One, we're going to
write our own spawn
. We'll do that in three steps: First we'll make space for
multiple tasks in the main loop, then we'll write the spawn
function to add
new tasks, and finally we'll implement JoinHandle
We already know how to poll many futures at once, because that's what we did
when we implemented JoinAll
. How much of that code can we
One thing we need to change is the type of the futures Vec
. Our JoinAll
used Vec<Pin<Box<F>>>
,​We're still not paying much attention to Pin
, but Box
about to do some important work. where F
was a generic type parameter,
but our main function doesn't have any type parameters. We also want the new
to be able to hold futures of different types at the same
time.​In other words we want a "heterogeneous" collection. JoinAll
can do this too, if you set F
to the same type we're about to use. The Rust feature we need here is "dynamic trait
objects", dyn
isn't specific to async. You might have seen it before in
error handling, where Box<dyn
is a catch-all type for the ?
operator. If you're coming from C++, dyn
is the closest thing Rust
has to "virtual
inheritance". If this is your first time seeing it, you
might want to play with the Rust by Example page for dyn
. Let's start with a type alias so we don't
have to write this more than once:​This is where we start to care about the difference between T
. Because dyn
is a "dynamically sized type", we
can't hold an object of that type directly in a local variable or a Vec
element. We have to Box
type DynFuture = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()>>>;
Note that DynFuture
doesn't have type parameters. We can fit any boxed
future into this one type, as long as its Output
is ()
. Now instead of
building a join_future
in our main
function, we'll build a
, and we'll start calling these futures "tasks":​Box::pin(foo(n))
is still a concrete future type, but pushing it
into the Vec<DynFuture>
"coerces" the concrete type to dyn
Specifically, it's an "unsized coercion".
fn main() {
let mut tasks: Vec<DynFuture> = Vec::new();
for n in 1..=10 {
let waker = futures::task::noop_waker();
let mut context = Context::from_waker(&waker);
We can manage the Vec<DynFuture>
using retain_mut
like JoinAll
removing futures from the Vec
as soon as they're Ready
. We need to
rearrange the while
loop into a loop
so that we can do all the
polling, then check whether we're done, then handle Waker
s.​We're still getting the next wake time with .next().expect(…)
which panics if WAKE_TIMES
is empty. If we forgot to register a wake time
somehow, panicking instead of busy looping would help us catch that
mistake, but it also means we need to be careful with the order of
operations in our main loop. Now it
looks like this:
let waker = futures::task::noop_waker();
let mut context = Context::from_waker(&waker);
loop {
// Poll each task and remove any that are Ready.
let is_pending = |task: &mut DynFuture| {
task.as_mut().poll(&mut context).is_pending()
// If there are no tasks left, we're done.
if tasks.is_empty() {
// Otherwise handle WAKE_TIMES and sleep as in Part One...
This works fine, though it might not feel like we've accomplished much. Mostly
we just copy/pasted from JoinAll
and tweaked the types. But we've laid some
important groundwork.
Note that the behavior of this loop is somewhat different from how tasks work
in Tokio. Rust normally exits when the main thread is done without waiting
for background threads, and Tokio also exits when the main task is done
without waiting for background tasks. However, this version of our main loop
continues until all tasks are done. It also assumes that tasks have no return
value. We'll fix both of these things when we get to JoinHandle
below, but
let's do spawn
The spawn
function is supposed to insert another future into the tasks Vec
How should it access the Vec
? It would be convenient if we could do the same
thing we did with WAKE_TIMES
and make TASKS
a global variable protected by
a Mutex
, but that's not going to work this time. Our main loop only locks
after it's finished polling, but if we made TASKS
global, then
the main loop would lock it during polling, and any task that called spawn
would deadlock.
We'll work around that by maintaining two separate lists. We'll keep the
list where it is, local to the main loop, and we'll add a global list
called NEW_TASKS
. The spawn
function can append to NEW_TASKS
:​We could use a VecDeque
instead of a Vec
if we wanted to poll
tasks in FIFO order instead of LIFO order. We could also use a channel,
which as an added benefit would would get rid of the while
below. Opening a channel isn't const
, however, so we'd need a
or similar to initialize the static
static NEW_TASKS: Mutex<Vec<DynFuture>> = Mutex::new(Vec::new());
fn spawn<F: Future<Output = ()>>(future: F) {
Now the main loop can…wait that doesn't build:
error[E0277]: `(dyn Future<Output = ()> + 'static)` cannot be sent between threads safely
43 | static NEW_TASKS: Mutex<Vec<DynFuture>> = Mutex::new(Vec::new());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `(dyn Future<Output = ()> + 'static)` cannot be sent between threads
= help: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `(dyn Future<Output = ()> + 'static)`, which is required by
`Mutex<Vec<Pin<Box<(dyn Future<Output = ()> + 'static)>>>>: Sync`
Global variables in Rust have to be Sync
, and Mutex<T>
is only Sync
is Send
and Sync
are the thread safety marker
traits in Rust. Another way of putting this requirement is
that a Mutex
is only safe to share with other threads if the object
inside of it is safe to move to other threads. DynFuture
has to promise that
it's Send
type DynFuture = Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ()> + Send>>;
Ok, now the…nope it still doesn't build:
error[E0277]: `F` cannot be sent between threads safely
--> src/
46 | NEW_TASKS.lock().unwrap().push(Box::pin(future));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `F` cannot be sent between threads safely
= note: required for the cast from `Pin<Box<F>>` to
`Pin<Box<(dyn futures::Future<Output = ()> + std::marker::Send + 'static)>>`
Fair enough, spawn
has to make the same promise:
fn spawn<F: Future<Output = ()> + Send>(future: F) { … }
Happy yet? Nope:
error[E0310]: the parameter type `F` may not live long enough
--> src/
46 | NEW_TASKS.lock().unwrap().push(Box::pin(future));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| the parameter type `F` must be valid for the static lifetime...
| that the type `F` will meet its required lifetime bounds
Global variables have the 'static
lifetime, meaning they don't hold pointers
to anything that could go away. Trait objects like DynFuture
are 'static
default, but type parameters like F
are not. If spawn
wants to put F
in a
global, it also has to promise that F
is 'static
:​Note that join_all
in Part One didn't have this 'static
requirement. We can have multiple concurrent futures borrowing local
variables, but we can't do the same with tasks. On the other hand, it's
possible to run different tasks on different threads, as Tokio does by
default, but we can't do that with non-'static
futures. It would be nice
if there was some task equivalent of thread::scope
, but that turns out
to be an open research question.
fn spawn<F: Future<Output = ()> + Send + 'static>(future: F) { … }
Finally it builds. That was a lot of ceremony just to make a global Vec
, but
let's think about what we wrote: Instead of a "Vec
of futures", NEW_TASKS
is a "Vec
of thread-safe futures which don't hold any pointers that might
become dangling." Rust doesn't have a garbage collector, so dangling pointers
would lead to memory corruption bugs, and it's nice that we can just say we
don't want those.​The thread-safety requirement is arguably too strict, since
we're not spawning any threads in this example. Rust doesn't have a way to
say "I promise my program is single-threaded," but we could avoid the
requirement by using a thread_local!
instead of a static
. In
contrast, Tokio does use threads internally, so the Send
requirement on
is unavoidable.
Ok…now the main loop can pop from NEW_TASKS
and push into tasks
It's not much extra code, but there are a couple pitfalls to watch out for, and
this time they're runtime bugs instead of compiler errors. First, we have to
poll new tasks as we collect them, rather than waiting until the next iteration
of the main loop, so they get a chance to register wakeups before we
sleep.​We'd notice this mistake immediately below, after we added the
function that calls spawn
. If our main loop didn't poll
those new tasks before it tried to read the next wakeup time, then there
wouldn't be a wakeup time, and it would panic. Second, we have to make sure NEW_TASKS
is unlocked before we
poll, or else we'll recreate the same deadlock we were trying to
avoid.​Unfortunately this is an easy mistake to make. A method chain like
creates a MutexGuard
that lasts until the end
of the current "temporary scope". In this example as written,
that's the semicolon after the let
. But if we combined the inner
and the let
into a while
, or if we replaced the let
with an if
, the guard would last until the end of the following
block, and we'd still be holding the lock when we called poll
. If we
made this mistake, and if we also made foo
call spawn
before its first
, this example would deadlock. This is an unfortunate footgun with
. There's a Clippy lint for it, but as of Rust
1.82 it's still disabled by default.
The formal rule for this behavior is that the first
part of an if
or while
expression (the "condition") is a temporary
scope, but the first part of a match
, if
, or while
(the "scrutinee") is not. This rule is necessary for matching on borrowing
methods like Vec::first
or String::trim
, but it's unnecessary and
counterintuitive with methods like Vec::pop
or String::len
return owned values. It might be nice if Rust dropped temporaries as soon
as possible, but then drop timing would depend on borrow checker analysis,
which isn't generally stable. Some Rust compilers have even skipped borrow
checking entirely, since correct programs can be compiled without
it. Here's the expanded main loop:
loop {
// Poll each task, removing any that are Ready.
let is_pending = |task: &mut DynFuture| {
task.as_mut().poll(&mut context).is_pending()
// Collect new tasks, poll them, and keep the ones that are Pending.
loop {
let Some(mut task) = NEW_TASKS.lock().unwrap().pop() else {
// Polling this task could spawn more tasks, so it's important that
// NEW_TASKS isn't locked here.
if task.as_mut().poll(&mut context).is_pending() {
// If there are no tasks left, we're done.
if tasks.is_empty() {
// Otherwise handle WAKE_TIMES and sleep as in Part One...
With all that in place, instead of hardcoding the whole task list in main
, we
can define an async_main
function and let it do the spawning:
async fn async_main() {
// The main() loop currently waits for all tasks to finish.
for n in 1..=10 {
fn main() {
let waker = futures::task::noop_waker();
let mut context = Context::from_waker(&waker);
let mut tasks: Vec<DynFuture> = vec![Box::pin(async_main())];
It works! Because of how we push and pop NEW_TASKS
, the order of prints is
different now. We could fix that, but let's keep it this way. It's a good
reminder that, like threads, tasks running at the same time can run in any
As we noted above, Tokio supports tasks that run in the background without
blocking program exit, and it also supports tasks with return
values.​We won't need task return values ourselves, but once we
implement blocking, we'll see that carrying a value doesn't add any extra
lines of code. We will need non-blocking background tasks when we get to
IO, so that our example can exit after "client" tasks are finished, without
taking extra steps to shut down the "server" task. Both of those things require tokio::task::spawn
return a tokio::task::JoinHandle
, very similar to how thread::spawn
returns a thread::JoinHandle
. We'll implement our own JoinHandle
to get
the same features. Also, the only way for our tasks to block so far has been
, and introducing a second form of blocking will lead to an interesting
needs to communicate between a task that's finishing and another
task that's waiting for it to finish. The waiting side needs somewhere to put
its Waker
so that the finishing side can invoke it,​Note that we only need space for one Waker
. It's possible that
different calls to poll
could supply different Waker
s, but the
contract of Future::poll
is that "only the Waker
from the
passed to the most recent call should be scheduled to receive a
wakeup." and the
finishing side needs somewhere to put its return value, T
, so that the
waiting side can receive it. We don't need both of those things at the same
time, so we can use an enum
. This enum
needs to be shared and mutable, so
we'll wrap it in an Arc
is an atomic reference-counted smart pointer, similar to
in C++. It behaves like a shared reference, but it's
not bound to the lifetime of any particular scope. Arc
is the standard
way to share objects that don't have a fixed scope (so you can't use a
shared reference) but also aren't global (so you can't use a static
). and a Mutex
:​If we had used thread_local!
instead of static
to implement
above, and avoided the Send
requirements that came with that,
then we could use Rc
and RefCell
here instead of Arc
and Mutex
enum JoinState<T> {
struct JoinHandle<T> {
state: Arc<Mutex<JoinState<T>>>,
Awaiting the JoinHandle
is how we wait for a task to finish, so JoinHandle
needs to implement Future
. One tricky detail here is that the waiting thread
wants to take ownership of the T
from JoinState::Ready(T)
, but
only lets us access the JoinState
through a
reference, so we can't move out the T
and "leave a hole" behind that
reference. Instead, we need to swap out the whole JoinState
:​It would be more convenient if we could use mem::take
on &mut
, but that only works if T
implements Default
, and we
don't want our spawn
function to require that. Another option is a
library called replace_with
, which lets us "leave a hole" behind any
temporarily, but it's not entirely clear whether that
approach is sound.
impl<T> Future for JoinHandle<T> {
type Output = T;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, context: &mut Context) -> Poll<T> {
let mut guard = self.state.lock().unwrap();
// Use JoinState::Done as a placeholder, to take ownership of T.
match mem::replace(&mut *guard, JoinState::Done) {
JoinState::Ready(value) => Poll::Ready(value),
JoinState::Unawaited | JoinState::Awaited(_) => {
// Replace the previous Waker, if any.
*guard = JoinState::Awaited(context.waker().clone());
JoinState::Done => unreachable!("polled again after Ready"),
Futures passed to spawn
don't know anything about JoinState
, so we'll also
need a wrapper function to handle their return values and invoke the Waker
there is one:
async fn wrap_with_join_state<F: Future>(
future: F,
join_state: Arc<Mutex<JoinState<F::Output>>>,
) {
let value = future.await;
let mut guard = join_state.lock().unwrap();
if let JoinState::Awaited(waker) = &*guard {
*guard = JoinState::Ready(value)
Now we can build a JoinState
and apply that wrapper function in spawn
, so
that it accepts any Output
type and returns a JoinHandle
will need to be Send
and 'static
just like F
. The
future returned by wrap_with_join_state
needs to be coercible to
, which means the JoinState<T>
that it contains needs to be
and 'static
, which means T needs to be Send
and 'static
. This
time around I'll skip the "discovery" phase and just write the bounds
correctly the first time.
fn spawn<F, T>(future: F) -> JoinHandle<T>
F: Future<Output = T> + Send + 'static,
T: Send + 'static,
let join_state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(JoinState::Unawaited));
let join_handle = JoinHandle {
state: Arc::clone(&join_state),
let task = Box::pin(wrap_with_join_state(future, join_state));
We'll collect and .await
those JoinHandle
s in async_main
, similar to how
we managed Tokio tasks above:​The Tokio version had an extra .unwrap()
after handle.await
because Tokio catches panics and converts them to Result
s, like
does with thread handles. If we wanted to do the same
thing, then inside of wrap_with_join_state
above we'd use
, the async-adapted version of
. JoinHandle::Output
would become the
corresponding Result
async fn async_main() {
let mut task_handles = Vec::new();
for n in 1..=10 {
for handle in task_handles {
Now that we can explicitly wait on tasks, we want our main loop to exit after
the main task is finished. Let's split the main task out from the tasks
and call the list other_tasks
:​Eagle-eyed readers might spot that we're no longer coercing
to a DynFuture
. That means that async_main
doesn't have to
return ()
. We'll take advantage of that in Part Three to return
. Technically async_main
doesn't have to be Send
anymore either, but we won't mess with that.
fn main() {
let waker = futures::task::noop_waker();
let mut context = Context::from_waker(&waker);
let mut main_task = Box::pin(async_main());
let mut other_tasks: Vec<DynFuture> = Vec::new();
loop {
// Poll the main task and exit immediately if it's done.
if main_task.as_mut().poll(&mut context).is_ready() {
// Poll other tasks and remove any that are Ready.
let is_pending = |task: &mut DynFuture| {
task.as_mut().poll(&mut context).is_pending()
// Handle NEW_TASKS and WAKE_TIMES...
Done! That was a lot of changes all at once. Fortunately, it all builds. It even almost works. Our program prints the correct output, but then it panics:
end 3
end 2
end 1
thread 'main' panicked at src/
sleep forever?
This is the interesting bug we were looking forward to.
The panic is coming from this line, which has been in our main loop since the end of Part One:
let mut wake_times = WAKE_TIMES.lock().unwrap();
let next_wake = wake_times.keys().next().expect("sleep forever?");
The loop is about to sleep
, so it asks for the next wake time, but the
tree is empty. Previously we could assume that if any task
returned Pending
, there must be at least one wake time registered, because
the only source of blocking was Sleep
. But now we have a second source of
blocking: JoinHandle
. If a JoinHandle
is Pending
, that could be because
another task is sleeping and has register a wake time. However, it could also
be that that other task is about to return Ready
as soon as we poll it, but
we haven't polled it yet. This is sensitive to the order of our tasks list.
If a task at the front is waiting on a task at the back, we might end up with
tasks and yet no wakeups scheduled.
That's exactly what's happened to us. Our main task is probably blocking on the
first JoinHandle
. The main loop wakes up and polls the main task, and that
is still Pending
. Then it polls all the other_tasks
, and each
of them prints an "end" message, signals its JoinHandle
, and returns Ready
At that point, we need to poll the main task again instead of trying to sleep.
How can we communicate that to the main loop?​It might be tempting to remove the .expect(…)
and instead
the main loop when WAKE_TIMES
is empty. That would fix this
example without any new communication, but more complicated examples would
still have timing bugs. If some tasks sleep longer than others, we might
need to re-poll immediately even when WAKE_TIMES
isn't empty. We could make another
flag, but this time we have a better option. We'll use our Waker
We've been using futures::task::noop_waker
to supply a dummy Waker
Part One. When Sleep
was the only source of blocking, there was no way for
one task to unblock another, and all we needed from Waker
was a placeholder
to satisfy the compiler. But now things have changed. Our
function is already invoking Waker
s correctly when
tasks finish, and we want to hear about it when that happens. How do we write
our own Waker
implements From<Arc<W>>
, where W
is anything with the Wake
trait, which requires a wake
method.​There's also a fancy unsafe
way to build a Waker
from something called a RawWaker
. That's what Tokio does, and it's what
we'd have to do if we were targeting a no_std
environment without Arc
. That method takes
, which is a little funny,​Arc
is there because Waker
is Clone
. It would be nice if we
could address that more directly with a bound like W:
on the
impl, but that turns out not to work because of a requirement of
objects called "object safety" or (very
recently) "dyn compatibility". but apart from that it can do
whatever we like. The simplest option is to build what's effectively an
would be more efficient, but again Mutex
is more
familiar and good enough. If you want a three hour deep dive on atomics,
listen to "atomic<> Weapons" by Herb Sutter. That talk is
focused on C++, but C and Rust both copied the C++ atomic memory model. and to set it to true
when any task has received
a wakeup.​If we wanted to do more bookkeeping, we could also construct a unique Waker
for each task and
then only poll the tasks that received wakeups. We saw that
does something like this in Part One.
We could get this "for free" by replacing our tasks Vec
with a
. That's not so different from a static
flag, but it
lets other people's futures invoke our Waker
without needing to know the
private implementation details of our main loop. Here's our glorified bool
struct AwakeFlag(Mutex<bool>);
impl AwakeFlag {
fn check_and_clear(&self) -> bool {
let mut guard = self.0.lock().unwrap();
let check = *guard;
*guard = false;
impl Wake for AwakeFlag {
fn wake(self: Arc<Self>) {
*self.0.lock().unwrap() = true;
We can create an AwakeFlag
and make a Waker
from it at the start of main
fn main() {
let awake_flag = Arc::new(AwakeFlag(Mutex::new(false)));
let waker = Waker::from(Arc::clone(&awake_flag));
let mut context = Context::from_waker(&waker);
And if that AwakeFlag
is set, the main loop should
re-poll:​The reason I defined check_and_clear
above is that we
can create another deadlock if we lock awake_flag
here but don't drop the
as soon as we're done with it. The last thing the main loop
does is invoking Waker
s, which ends up calling AwakeFlag::wake
taking the same lock.
// Collect new tasks, poll them, and keep the ones that are Pending.
loop {
let Some(mut task) = NEW_TASKS.lock().unwrap().pop() else {
if task.as_mut().poll(&mut context).is_pending() {
// Some tasks might wake other tasks. Re-poll if the AwakeFlag has been
// set. Polling futures that aren't ready yet is inefficient but allowed.
if awake_flag.check_and_clear() {
// Otherwise handle WAKERS and sleep as in Part One...
It works! We've implemented tasks.
We're about to move beyond sleeping and printing to look at real IO, and we'll
use spawn
to handle network connections.