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Async Rust, Part Three: IO


Of course async/await wasn't invented just for efficient sleeping. Our goal all along has been IO, especially network IO. Now that we can build futures and tasks, we have all the tools we need to get some real work done.

Let's go back to ordinary, non-async Rust for a moment. We'll start with a toy server program and a client that talks to it. Then we'll use threads to combine the server and several clients into one example that we can run on the Playground. Once that combination is working, we'll translate it into async, building on the main loop we wrote in Part Two.

Here's our toy server:

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
let listener = TcpListener::bind("")?;
let mut n = 1;
loop {
let (mut socket, _) = listener.accept()?;
let start_msg = format!("start {n}\n");
let end_msg = format!("end {n}\n");
n += 1;

It starts listening on port 8000. is the special IP address that means "all IPv4 interfaces on this host". It's the standard way to listen for connections coming from anywhere, at least in examples that don't need IPv6 support. If we bound the listener to localhost instead, it would work when the client and the server were on the same machine, but it would reject connections from the network. For each connection it receives it writes a start message, sleeps for one second, and writes an end message.We could use write! or writeln! instead of format! to avoid allocating a String here, but that results in three separate writes to the TcpStream, one for the prefix, one for the number, and one more for the newline. That's probably slower than allocating. Separate writes also tend to appear as separate reads on the client side, so we'd need to do line buffering to avoid garbled output when running multiple clients at once. It's not guaranteed that the format! approach will come out as one read, but in small examples like these it generally does. Here's the client for our toy server:

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
let mut socket = TcpStream::connect("localhost:8000")?;
io::copy(&mut socket, &mut io::stdout())?;

This client opens a connection to the server and copies all the bytes it receives to standard output, as soon as they come it. It doesn't explicitly sleep, but it still takes a second, because the server takes a second to finish responding. Under the covers, io::copy is a convenience wrapper around the standard Read::read and Write::write methods, and read blocks until input arrives.

These programs can't talk to each other on the Playgroud, so if this is your first time working with TCP in code, you might want to take some time to run them together on your computer, or even better on two different computers on your WiFi network.In that case you'll need to change localhost in the client to the IP address of your server. Seeing this work for the first time on a real network is pretty cool. Reviewing the web server project from Chapter 20 of The Book might be helpful too.


Let's get this working on the Playground by putting the client and server together in one program. Since they're both blocking, we'll have to run them on separate threads. We'll rename their main functions to client_main and server_main, and while we're at it we'll run ten clients together at the same time:Note that the return type of handle.join() in this example is thread::Result<io::Result<()>>, i.e. a Result nested in another Result. IO errors from client threads wind up in the inner Result and are handled with ?. The outer Result represents whether the client thread panicked, and we propagate those panics with .unwrap(). The server thread normally runs forever, so we can't join it. If it does short-circuit with an error, though, we don't want that error to be silent. Unwrapping server thread IO errors prints to stderr in that case, which is better than nothing.

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
// Avoid a race between bind and connect by binding before spawn.
let listener = TcpListener::bind("")?;
// Start the server on a background thread.
thread::spawn(|| server_main(listener).unwrap());
// Run ten clients on ten different threads.
let mut client_handles = Vec::new();
for _ in 1..=10 {
for handle in client_handles {

This works on the Playground, but it takes ten seconds. Even though the clients are running in parallel, the server is only responding to one of them at a time. Let's make the server spawn a new thread for each incoming request:The move keyword is necessary here because otherwise the closure would borrow n, which violates the 'static requirement of thread::spawn. Rust is right to complain about this, because if server_main returned while response threads were still running, pointers to n would become dangling.

fn one_response(mut socket: TcpStream, n: u64) -> io::Result<()> {
let start_msg = format!("start {n}\n");
let end_msg = format!("end {n}\n");

fn server_main(listener: TcpListener) -> io::Result<()> {
let mut n = 1;
loop {
let (socket, _) = listener.accept()?;
thread::spawn(move || one_response(socket, n).unwrap());
n += 1;

It still works, and now it only takes one second. This is exactly the behavior we want. Now we're ready for our final project: expanding our main loop from Part Two and translating this example into async.

There are two big problems we need to solve. First, we need IO functions that return immediately instead of blocking, even when there's no input yet, so that we can use them in Future::poll.Remember that blocking in poll holds up the entire main loop, which in our single-threaded implementation blocks all tasks. That's always a performance issue, but in this case it's a correctness issue too. Once we get this example working, we'll have ten client tasks waiting to read input from the server task. If a client task blocks the server task, then no more input will arrive, and the program will deadlock. Second, when all our tasks are waiting for input, we want to sleep instead of busy looping, and we need a way to wake up when any input arrives.


The first problem is easier, because Rust has a solution in the standard library.Well, it has three quarters of a solution. For the rest we're gonna cheat… TcpListener and TcpStream both have set_nonblocking methods, which make accept, read, and write return ErrorKind::WouldBlock instead of blocking.

Technically, set_nonblocking by itself is enough to get async IO working. Without solving the second problem, we'll burn 100% CPU busy looping until we exit, but our output will still be correct, and we can lay a lot of groundwork before we get to the more complicated part.

When we wrote Foo, JoinAll, and Sleep in Part One, each of them required a struct definition, a poll function, and a constructor function. To cut down on boilerplate this time around, we'll use std::future::poll_fn, which takes a standalone poll function and generates the rest of the future.

There are four potentially blocking operations that we need async versions of. There's accept and write on the server side, and there's connect and read on the client side. Let's start with accept:We're writing this as an async function that creates a future and then immediately awaits it, but we could also have written it as a non-async function that returns that future. That would be cleaner, but we'd need lifetimes in the function signature, and the "obvious" way to write them turns out to be subtly incorrect. Rust 2024 Edition will fix this by changing the way that "return position impl Trait" types "capture" lifetime parameters.

async fn accept(
listener: &mut TcpListener,
) -> io::Result<(TcpStream, SocketAddr)> {
std::future::poll_fn(|context| match listener.accept() {
Ok((stream, addr)) => {
Poll::Ready(Ok((stream, addr)))
Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {
// TODO: This is a busy loop.
Err(e) => Poll::Ready(Err(e)),

Calling wake_by_ref whenever we return Pending, like we did in the second version of Sleep from Part One, makes this a busy loop. We'll fix that in the next section. We're assuming that the TcpListener is already in non-blocking mode,And we're going to assume that non-blocking calls never return ErrorKind::Interrupted/EINTR, so we don't need an extra line of code in each example retrying that case. and we're putting the returned TcpStream into non-blocking mode too,Eagle-eyed readers might spot that our poll_fn closure is using the ? operator with set_nonblocking, even though the closure itself returns Poll. This works because there's a Try implementation for Poll<Result<...>> that uses the same associated Residual type as the Try implementation for Result<...>. See RFC 3058 for the details of the Try trait, which are still unstable as of Rust 1.81. to get ready for async writes.

Next let's implement those writes. If we were rebuilding all of Tokio, we'd define an AsyncWrite trait and make everything generic, but that's a lot of code. Instead, let's keep it short and hardcode that we're writing to a TcpStream:

async fn write_all(
mut buf: &[u8],
stream: &mut TcpStream,
) -> io::Result<()> {
std::future::poll_fn(|context| {
while !buf.is_empty() {
match stream.write(&buf) {
Ok(0) => {
let e = io::Error::from(io::ErrorKind::WriteZero);
return Poll::Ready(Err(e));
Ok(n) => buf = &buf[n..],
Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {
// TODO: This is a busy loop.
return Poll::Pending;
Err(e) => return Poll::Ready(Err(e)),

TcpStream::write isn't guaranteed to consume the entire buffer, so we need to call it in a loop, bumping buf forward each time through. It's unlikely that we'll see Ok(0) from TcpStream,Ok(0) from a write means that either the input buf was empty, which is ruled out by our while condition, or that the writer can't accept more bytes. The latter mostly applies to not-real-IO writers like &mut [u8]. When real-IO writers like TcpStream or File can't accept more bytes (because the other end is closed or the disk is full) they usually indicate that with Err rather than Ok(0). but if we do it's better for that to be an error than an infinite loop. The loop condition also means that we won't make any calls to write if buf is initially empty, which matches the default behavior of Write::write_all.It would be nice to use Write::write_all directly here and get the loop and the WriteZero handling for free. But unfortunately, when Write::write_all returns WouldBlock, it doesn't tell us how many bytes it wrote before that, and we need that number to update buf. In contrast, when Write::write needs to block after it's already written some bytes, it returns Ok(n) first, and then the next call returns WouldBlock.

Those are the async building blocks we needed for the server, and now we can write the async version of server_main:

async fn one_response(mut socket: TcpStream, n: u64) -> io::Result<()> {
let start_msg = format!("start {n}\n");
write_all(start_msg.as_bytes(), &mut socket).await?;
let end_msg = format!("end {n}\n");
write_all(end_msg.as_bytes(), &mut socket).await?;

async fn server_main(mut listener: TcpListener) -> io::Result<()> {
let mut n = 1;
loop {
let (socket, _) = accept(&mut listener).await?;
spawn(async move { one_response(socket, n).await.unwrap() });
n += 1;

Similar to the threads example we started with, we never join server tasks, so we use unwrap to at least print to stderr if they fail. Previously we did that inside a closure, and here we do it inside an async block, which works like an anonymous async fn that takes no arguments.

Hopefully that works. Now we need to translate the client so we can test it.

We just did async writes, so let's do async reads. The counterpart of Write::write_all is Read::read_to_end, but that's not quite what we want. We're supposed print output as soon as it arrives, rather than collecting it all in a Vec and printing it at the end. Let's keep things short again and hardcode the printing. We'll call our function print_all:In Tokio we'd use tokio::io::copy for this, the same way we used std::io::copy in the non-async client. Writing a generic, async copy function would mean we'd need AsyncRead and AsyncWrite traits and implementations too, though, and that's a lot more code.

async fn print_all(stream: &mut TcpStream) -> io::Result<()> {
let mut buf = [0; 1024];
std::future::poll_fn(|context| {
loop {
match stream.read(&mut buf) {
Ok(0) => return Poll::Ready(Ok(())), // EOF
// Assume that printing doesn't block.
Ok(n) => io::stdout().write_all(&buf[..n])?,
Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {
// TODO: This is a busy loop.
return Poll::Pending;
Err(e) => return Poll::Ready(Err(e)),

Ok(0) means end-of-file for a read, but otherwise this is similar to write_all above.We're cheating a little bit by assuming that printing doesn't block, but that's not really any different from using println! in an async function, which we've been doing the whole time. Realistically, programs that write enough to stdout to fill their pipe buffer (tar or gzip for example) can't make progress when their output is blocked anyway, and it's common to ignore this.

The other async building block we need for our client is connect, but there are a couple of problems with that. First, TcpStream::connect creates a new stream, and there's no way for us to call set_nonblocking on that stream before connect talks to the network.We would need to solve this with the socket2 crate, which separates Socket::new from Socket::connect. Second, connect can include a DNS lookup, and async DNS is a whole can of worms.DNS needs to read config files like /etc/resolv.conf, so the OS implementation is in libc rather than in the kernel, and libc only exposes blocking interfaces like getaddrinfo. Those configs are unstandardized and platform-specific, and reading them is a pain. Even Tokio punts on this and makes a blocking call to getaddrinfo on a thread pool. For comparison, the net module in the Golang standard library contains two DNS implementations, an async resolver for simple cases, and a fallback resolver that calls getaddrinfo on a thread pool. Solving those problems here would be a lot of trouble without much benefit…so we're going to cheat and just assume that connect doesn't block.This is big-time cheating, but our example only connects to itself, so we'll get away with it. In the real world we'd use a proper async implementation like tokio::net::TcpStream::connect.

So, with one real async building block and one blatant lie, we can write client_main:

async fn client_main() -> io::Result<()> {
// XXX: Assume that connect() returns quickly.
let mut socket = TcpStream::connect("localhost:8000")?;
print_all(&mut socket).await?;

And finally async_main:

async fn async_main() -> io::Result<()> {
// Avoid a race between bind and connect by binding before spawn.
let listener = TcpListener::bind("")?;
// Start the server on a background task.
spawn(async { server_main(listener).await.unwrap() });
// Run ten clients as ten different tasks.
let mut task_handles = Vec::new();
for _ in 1..=10 {
for handle in task_handles {

It works! It busy loops and burns 100% CPU, but it really does work. That's a lot of groundwork laid.


The second big problem we need to solve is sleeping the main loop until input arrives. This isn't something we can do on our own, and we need help from the OS. We're going to use the poll "system call" for this,It's no coincidence that Rust's Future::poll interface shares its name with the poll system call and the C standard library function that wraps it. They solve different layers of the same problem, managing many IO operations at the same time without a busy loop. which is available on all Unix-like OSs, including Linux and macOS.We use "syscalls" all the time under the covers, but we don't often call them directly. Basic OS features like files and threads work roughly the same way across common OSs, so standard library abstractions like File and Thread are usually all we need. But async IO is a different story: The interfaces provided by different OSs vary widely, and the world hasn't yet settled on one right way to do it. We'll use poll in these examples because it's relatively simple and widely supported, but there are many other options. The oldest is select, which is similar to poll but kind of deprecated. Modern, higher-performance options include epoll and io_uring on Linux, kqueue on macOS and BSD, and IOCP on Windows. For a medium-level, cross-platform Rust library that abstracts over several of these, see mio. We'll invoke it using the C standard library function libc::poll, which looks like this:

pub unsafe extern "C" fn poll(
fds: *mut pollfd,
nfds: nfds_t,
timeout: c_int,
) -> c_int

It takes a listAs usual with C functions, the list is split into two arguments, a raw pointer to the first element and a count of elements. of "poll file descriptors" and a timeout in milliseconds. The timeout will let us wake up for sleeps in addition to IO, replacing thread::sleep in our main loop. Each pollfd looks like this:

struct pollfd {
fd: c_int,
events: c_short,
revents: c_short,

The fd field is a "file descriptor", or in Rust terms a "raw" file descriptor. It's an identifier that Unix-like OSs use to track open resources like files and sockets. We can get a descriptor from a TcpListener or a TcpStream by calling .as_raw_fd(), which returns RawFd, a type alias for c_int.Unfortunately, none of these raw file descriptor operations will compile on Windows. This is a low enough level of detail that OS differences start to matter, and the Rust standard library doesn't try to abstract over them. To make code like this portable, we have to write it at least twice, using #[cfg(unix)] and #[cfg(windows)] to gate each implementation to a specific platform.

The events field is a collection of bitflags indicating what we're waiting for. The most common events are POLLIN, meaning input is available, and POLLOUT, meaning space is available in output buffers. We'll wait for POLLIN when we get WouldBlock from a read, and we'll wait for POLLOUT when we get WouldBlock from a write.

The revents field ("returned events") is similar but used for output rather than input. After poll returns, the bits in this field indicate whether the corresponding descriptor was one of the ones that caused the wakeup. We could use this to poll only the specific tasks that the wakeup is for, but for simplicity we'll ignore this field and poll every task every time we wake up.

Our async IO functions, accept, write_all, and print_all, need a way to send pollfds and Wakers back to main, so that main can call libc::poll. We'll add a couple more global Vecs for this, plus a helper function to populate them:Whenever we hold more than one lock at a time, we need to make sure that all callers lock them in the same order. We're locking POLL_FDS before POLL_WAKERS here, so we'll do the same in main.

static POLL_FDS: Mutex<Vec<libc::pollfd>> = Mutex::new(Vec::new());
static POLL_WAKERS: Mutex<Vec<Waker>> = Mutex::new(Vec::new());

fn register_pollfd(
context: &mut Context,
fd: &impl AsRawFd,
events: libc::c_short,
) {
let mut poll_fds = POLL_FDS.lock().unwrap();
let mut poll_wakers = POLL_WAKERS.lock().unwrap();
poll_fds.push(libc::pollfd {
fd: fd.as_raw_fd(),
revents: 0,

Now our async IO functions can call register_pollfd instead of wake_by_ref. accept and print_all are reads, so they'll handle WouldBlock by setting POLLIN:

Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {
register_pollfd(context, stream, libc::POLLIN);
return Poll::Pending;

write_all is a write, so it'll handle WouldBlock by setting POLLOUT:

Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => {
register_pollfd(context, stream, libc::POLLOUT);
return Poll::Pending;

Finally, main. We'll start by preparing the timeout argument for libc::poll. This is similar to how we've been computing the next wake time all along, except now we're not guaranteed to have one,Previously, sleeping forever could only be a bug, but now that we can wait on IO in addition to sleeping, waiting forever is valid. and we also need to convert it to milliseconds:

// Some tasks might wake other tasks. Re-poll if the AwakeFlag has been
// set. Polling futures that aren't ready yet is inefficient but allowed.
if awake_flag.check_and_clear() {
// All tasks are either sleeping or blocked on IO. Use libc::poll to wait
// for IO on any of the POLL_FDS. If there are any WAKE_TIMES, use the
// earliest as a timeout.
let mut wake_times = WAKE_TIMES.lock().unwrap();
let timeout_ms = if let Some(time) = wake_times.keys().next() {
let duration = time.saturating_duration_since(Instant::now());
duration.as_millis() as libc::c_int
} else {
-1 // infinite timeout

After all that preparation, we can replace thread::sleep with libc::poll in the main loop. It's a "foreign" function, so calling it is unsafe:We know that the raw pointer we're giving it is valid, and that it won't retain that pointer after returning. We might also worry about what happens if one of the descriptors in POLL_FDS came from a socket that's since been closed. In that case the descriptor might refer to nothing, or it might've been reused by the kernel to refer to an unrelated file or socket. But since libc::poll doesn't modify any of its arguments (including for example reading from a file, which would advance its cursor), the worst that can happen here is a "spurious wakeup", where some event for an unrelated file wakes us up early. Our code already handles busy loop polling, so it will handle spurious wakeups too.

let mut poll_fds = POLL_FDS.lock().unwrap();
let mut poll_wakers = POLL_WAKERS.lock().unwrap();
let poll_error_code = unsafe {
poll_fds.len() as libc::nfds_t,
if poll_error_code < 0 {
return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());

Last of all, when we wake up and libc::poll returns, we need to clear POLL_FDS invoke all the POLL_WAKERS. The main loop still polls every task every time, and tasks that aren't Ready will re-register themselves in POLL_FDS before the next sleep.

for waker in poll_wakers.drain(..) {
// Invoke Wakers from WAKE_TIMES if their time has come.
while let Some(entry) = wake_times.first_entry() {

It works! And now we can finally call our main loop what it is, an event loop.